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Melissa McRae is conducting a research project on Black Clinical Psychologists' Lived Experience of Career Progression. If you would like to take part or learn more about the study, please contact Melissa McRae (Researcher/Trainee Clinical Psychologist) at:

Brown Therapist

The Brown Therapist Network are a global community of South Asian therapists and well-being professionals who collaborate, grow together. They are a like-minded community of professionals around the globe. You can collaborate and share your experiences together.

Let's Face Change

Let's Face Change and Odd Arts hosted a conference which aimed to explore and tackle racial inequalities in mental health services. The conference included a range of themes and included workshops, debate & presentations, spoken word, theatre performance and many more!

Anti-Racist Bookclub

With an ethos of developing anti-racist practice. This community is a place for personal and professional explorations: by sharing reactions to the literature, individual perspectives and experiences to help each other learn and grow.

A Review of the Clinical Psychology Doctorate Form

An open letter addressing the Clinical Psychology Doctorate application form. The letter is a call for a review of the DClinPsy application form, which fails to appropriately invite and encourage reflection on issues around difference and diversity

Critical ReflectionTool

This critical reflection tool was created by a group of trainees as part of a service development assignment on the Lancaster doctorate in Clinical Psychology.


The NIHR-funded ADAPT study (Asian dementia and pathway toolkit) are hosting an online launch event to address the lack of inclusivity within the dementia pathway for the South-Asian community. The toolkit aims to help Healthcare Professionals, Carers, Carehomes understand the challenges South Asian communities face.

ACP: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy

The Association of Clinical Psychologists have published their Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy for Clinical Psychology.


Twitter page run by Clinical Psychology trainees of colour, who hope to reveal racism during training and work towards strategy for change.

Black Identities + White Therapies

This book is a call to the profession to develop more inclusive models of theory and practice, and to every counsellor, psychotherapist and counselling psychologist to review their professional practice and ensure a better fit between the aspirations and theories of their professional calling and the needs of our multi-ethnic, multiracial and multicultural society today.

Seeing is Believing

This channel (developed as part of the Valued Voices Mentoring Scheme, founded & led by Dr Kat Alcock) aims to provide honest advice & reflections from trainee & qualified clinical psychologists from Black, Asian and Other Ethnic Minority backgrounds.

Use of Language

Article addressing the use of the catch-all term "B.A.M.E". UK broadcasters have committed to avoiding the use of the acronym BAME "wherever possible" following the publication of an industry report.

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